
色多多视频 Web Site Accessibility Statement

We are committed to web site accessibility and have provided the following information for our visitors.

Accessibility Statement

W3C Accessibility Guidelines

We seek to meet the Priority A, AA, and selected AAA guidelines of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. Our website is tested on a regular basis to identify potential problem areas and ensure we meet the spirit as well as the letter of the W3C's accessibility guidelines.

To check any of our web pages for compliance, please use the following free services:

and also

Alternative text

Images on our website have alternative text attributes, often known as alt text. This means that when an image is used on a web page to convey information its content is also described in the alt text. This means that the image can be understood by text browsers and assistive technologies such as screen readers.

Readable and Resizable Fonts and Layout

This website uses font sizes that you can control using your web browser.

You can change the text size in Microsoft Internet Explorer by selecting View > Text size followed by your preferred text size from 'Smallest' to 'Largest'. The default setting is 'Medium'.

You can change the text size in Mozilla Firefox by selecting View > Text size followed by 'Increase' or 'Decrease'. To return the text size to its default setting, select 'Normal'. The website's fonts have been chosen for their legibility on computer screens.

Use of Javascript

Javascript will only be used to enhance our users experience, no functionality will rely on it. This ensures our web site remains accessible to visitors with javascript turned off in their browsers or who visit from behind company firewalls where javacsript may be disallowed.

Difficulties in Accessing Our Web Site

If you experience any difficulties in accessing our site, wish to report an error in our compliance or have trouble using any aspect of the site, we'd like you to let us know.